Impact your community by giving!
Thank you. Your gift helps enrich your community.
Your donation will directly help improve the health, education, and financial stability of families and people throughout Auglaize County!
Each donation amount is appreciated and used wisely within our community. We thank you again for your continuous support!

The dollars you give stay in our communities, allowing our non-profit partners to provide services and programs to provide opportunities for the underserved, thus improving the quality of life for all of us who call Auglaize County home.
Our 2023 Campaign Goal!
We’re getting there, thanks you your support!
Why Give?
The United Way partners with non-profit agencies in Auglaize County to help fund the programs and services they provide to the under-served in our communities. Focusing on the health, education, and financial stability of every person in Auglaize County, the United Way brings people together to address those needs to bring about lasting changes to the challenges we face.
Our partner agencies – Agape in St. Marys and Mercy Unlimited in Wapakoneta – help combat food poverty, especially among the school-age population. MAV Youth Mentoring and the Boy Scouts provide mentoring programs so our youth have positive role models in their lives. Apollo’s ASPIRE program offers GED training, and the county public library system’s Summer Reading Program attracts more than 2,500 participants across the county. The United Way administers the Dolly Parton Imagination Library and a growing number of all eligible children in the county are part of the program. Today, that means 1,860 children are getting a free book each month mailed in his or her name to their home.

But wait, there's more...
We also help agencies tackle domestic violence, mental health, services for disabled children and adults, hospice care and new this year, we’ve partnered with the county’s Emergency Response Team to address homelessness.
Please consider being a part of our campaign. Whether it be through payroll deduction, annual and/or regular donations or being a part of our fundraisers, your gift will make a difference. It will. Every dollar raised in the campaign is part of the big pot of money we use to distribute to those partner agencies. Following the 2022 campaign, we were able to allocate just over $100,000 to 11 partner agencies as well as other non-profits identified by our donors. Our goal is 2023 is $200,000 to allow us to double our impact. Please consider being part of this effort.