Our United Way brings the caring power of the community together to improve the quality of life for all of us who call Auglaize County home.
For helping the 46,000+ resident of Auglaize County!

Address food poverty, especially among the school-age population

Provide books for more than 1,800 of Auglaize County’s youngest citizens, ages birth-5, through the Dolly Parton Imagination Library

Promote mentoring and provide role models for our young people
How We Help
We help combat food poverty, especially among youth (with our partners Agape in St. Marys and Mercy Unlimited in Wapakoneta). MAV Youth Mentoring and the Boy Scouts provide mentoring programs so our youth have positive role models in their lives. Apollo’s ASPIRE program offers GED training, and the county public library system’s Summer Reading Program attracts more than 2,500 participants across the county. Through the Dolly Parton Imagination Library 1,860 children receive free books.
We also help agencies tackle domestic violence, mental health, services for disabled children and adults, hospice care and new this year, we’ve partnered with the county’s Emergency Response Team to address homelessness.

Donating books thru Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library

Helping the community thru donations

Kids donating to Agape
How You can Help
When you advocate for community stability you are supporting individuals, families and seniors to become self-reliant and the building blocks that contribute to that self-reliance: education, health services and income. All United Ways are committed to be champions for advocacy.
When you invest in the United Way of Auglaize County you are empowering a better community for all of us to live in. For every donation made 98% stays in the Auglaize county area.
There are many programs that you can help out with! You could be assisting in the delivery of smoke alarms, helping someone learn to read, teaching a child the rules and nuances of playing a sport, or making sure that a family has food or help on a camp out.